Up Ron & Marjolijn's holiday pictures » 2007-05 Corsica » 07-Porto Prev Next Slideshow

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06-Our hike to Capo Rosso
07-Our hike to Capo Rosso
08-Capo Rosso
09-Torra di Turghju on Capo Rosso
10-Storm on Capo Rosso
11-Fierce waves in the Anse de Ficajola
12-Fierce waves in the Anse de Ficajola, Erwin should run
13-View of Porto
15-Beach of Porto
17-Porto harbour
  18-Porto harbour at sunset and bad weather.jpg - Porto harbour at sunset and bad weather  
19-Hike to Girolata
20-Hike to Girolata

Porto harbour at sunset and bad weather Download Original Image
Latitude: N 42°16'0,64" | Longitude: E 8°41'40,50" | Altitude: 9 metres | Location: Porto | City: Porto | State/Province: Corse | Country: Frankrijk | Copyright: Ron Harkink | See map
Total images: 24 | Help